In Office CE

Dental implant maintenance and prevention of peri-implant diseases.


The dental implant tooth and full mouth restoration is a reliable and evidence based-modality for replacing missing teeth. However, dental implants can succumb to peri-implant diseases as with natural teeth and require proper supervision maintenance and interventions when inflammation is present. Clinicians can expect to see increasing numbers of implants restorations and subsequent peri-implant disease as use of the dental implant modality increases. This lecture serves to give insight into the causes, diagnosis and treatment for peri-implant diseases.


  • Discuss the different anatomical components of tissue attachment between natural tooth and dental implants.
  • Discuss contemporary hygiene modalities, therapeutics for clinician and patient maintenance.
  • Understand tissue remodeling and diagnose health vs disease and diagnose peri-implant mucositis vs implantitis.
  • Discuss the etiology and causative factors in the progress of peri-implant diseases.
  • Discuss contemporary surgical and nonsurgical treatments of peri-implant diseases.

CE: 1 hour

Digital Occlusal Technology in the treatment of Myogenous TMD


Both dental practices and patients are benefiting from digital technologies implemented in dentistry over the past decades. Implementation of these technologies has led to better diagnosis and shorter more predicatable treatment. Digital occlusal technology however often underutilized by restorative clinicians has significant evidence and efficacy in resolving muscle-based occlusal disorders. Muscle -based disorders, the predominate form of temporal mandibular disorders are effectively resolved with the disclusion-time reduction (DTR) procedure. This presentation is an introduction to digital occlusal technology, the DTR procedure and the solid evidence in resolution of muscle-based occlusal disorders.


  • Understand lack of evidence in subjectively evaluated dental bite papers/ carbon marking paper vs digital occlusal technology in dental practice.
  • Understand occlusal disease and the signs and symptoms of myogenous-based TMD
  • Neurological influence of the Trigeminal nerve and the influence of posterior PDL mechanoreceptors
  • Occlusal and EMG measurement in the diagnosis of Long Disclusion Time
  • Conventional TMD treatments discussed and their limitations
  • Immediate Complete Anterior Guidance Development (ICAGD) procedure in the treatment of Long Disclusion Time

CE: 1 hour

Restorative-Driven Digital Workflow With 3D Navigation-Guided Surgery


Digital technology and workflows have dramatically improved our ability to deliver efficient predictable dental implant treatment lessening treatment times and appointments. Implementation of specific in-office scanning technologies combined with 3d navigation surgery optimizes placement position, restorability and natural tooth emergence in esthetic, hygienic dental implant replacements. Application of these technologies will be discussed in a restorative-based surgical planning and discussion of optimal dental implant position that rivals the accuracy of traditional static implant surgical guides.


  • Introduction into digital vs contemporary dental implant workflows and accuracy of static vs dynamic surgical guides
  • Discuss STL and CBCT scanning technology and there incorporation in restorative-based dental implant planning software
  • Discuss the mechanics and real time advantages dynamic 3d navigation dental implant placement.
  • Learn advantages of immediate dental implantation placement and provisionalization in the esthetic zone.
  • Discuss in detail criteria for optimal placement position relative to prosthesis plan, osseous crest, adjacent teeth and gingival thickness.

CE: 1 hour

Pharmacology, Sedation, and Dental Practice


Providing dental treatment today requires diligence in evaluating medical, social, and dental history. Dental anxiety, medications, and recreational habits have a tremendous effect on predictability and safety of dental treatment. This discussion will provide insight into identification and medical management to ensure safety and provide and overview of dental sedation from enteral to general anesthesia.


  • Learn essential patient communication and Identify pertinent medical history
  • Discuss medical consultations, referral and dental management.
  • Identify dental anxiety and appropriate sedation strategies for dental treatment.
  • Discuss trending pharmacological concerns, guidelines and management.
  • Understand ASA classifications and airway analysis.
  • Understand Maine state dental board requirements for sedation permits

CE: 1 hour

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Our Office

Maine’s Dental Implant Specialist
Location Map:
14 Maine Street, Suite 409 Brunswick, ME 04011
Fax: 207-517-6852

Monday – Thursday: 7:30am – 4:00pm Friday: By Appointment only